A Study of Teaching Prosody through Cognitive and Metacognitive Exercises in Teaching French to Iranian Learners

Document Type : research article


Hadisehalsadat Mousavi 0000-0002-8702-8094 Department of French Language, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran


This research investigates the impact of cognitive and metacognitive exercises on the learning of prosody in Iranian French language learners. Using a pre-test and post-test design with a control group, 60 second- and third-year undergraduate students from Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz were divided into experimental and control groups. The experimental group received cognitive and metacognitive exercises over eight sessions, while the control group followed conventional methods. The results showed that the experimental group significantly improved their listening and speaking scores compared to the control group. Additionally, qualitative analysis revealed that students in the experimental group had a more positive learning experience and were better able to understand and produce prosodic patterns. These findings suggest that cognitive and metacognitive exercises can significantly enhance the auditory and oral skills of language learners. The study highlights the importance of integrating cognitive strategies in language teaching to improve learners' proficiency in prosody. The outcomes of this research can provide valuable insights for educators and curriculum designers, suggesting that incorporating innovative cognitive-based exercises into language programs can lead to more effective learning outcomes. By improving their understanding and production of prosody, learners can achieve better overall language proficiency, which is crucial for effective communication in a foreign language.


Main Subjects

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