A study of electronic teaching approaches of A1 level German vocabulary On the educational websites of learngerman DW and Deutsch info

Document Type : research article


Department of German language, Science and research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran,Iran


The use of language education technologies is expanding today. Electronic learning of vocabulary is one of these fields that provides various educational platforms according to the needs of language learners. Deutsche Welle and Deutsche Info are two well-known websites in the field of German language education. The present study seeks to identify the strengths and weaknesses of these two websites in providing German vocabulary. In this study, the problem is what approaches these platforms use to teach German vocabulary. Based on this, two questions were of interest: one is which methods and exercises are used in these two websites to learn basic vocabulary at the A1 level. And what is the effect of individual learning styles on learning results? This research is based on the theoretical insights of Rainer Bohn and Oliver Bayerlein, which is especially important in the acquisition of vocabulary limited to the classroom. This study was conducted using the content analysis method, which was analyzed after extracting the exercises presented in both websites according to the theoretical criteria of Ben and Bayerlein. The results showed that Deutsche Welle used more audiovisual approaches and is a leader in terms of variety of everyday topics and relies on fast and effective learning methods. On the other hand, Deutsche Info emphasizes learning in context, which is one of the best approaches for storing words in long-term memory. Based on this, the learner can decide on the choice of platform depending on his needs, time budget and personal learning style.


Main Subjects

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