Investigating the Association among Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners’ Critical Thinking, L2 Grit, Problem Solving, and Resilience: A Structural Equation Modelling

Document Type : research article


Department of English Language, Shahreza Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahreza, Iran


In order to further highlight the relationship among Iranian intermediate EFL learners' critical thinking (CT), second language grit (L2G), problem-solving (PS), and resilience (R), the current study set out to create a structural equation model of evidence. This study used a descriptive methodology and was quantitative in nature. Convenience sampling was used to choose the three hundred eighty-two Iranian intermediate EFL learners who participated in the study. All participants were students from English language schools in Shahreza, Iran. With approval from the department chair, data collection was done in classrooms, and it took an average of thirty minutes to complete the questionnaires. They were asked to respond to four components' self-report questionnaires on critical thinking, L2 grit, problem-solving, and resilience. The structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and the schematic illustration confirmed the hypothesized model (RMSEA=.0.04; GFI =.0.824; NFI =0.551; CFI =0.746; IFI =0.551; TLI0.735), demonstrating a strong internal interaction among critical thinking, L2 grit, problem-solving, and resilience. According to the findings of the study, critical thinking enhances L2 grit, and L2 grit promotes resilience and problem-solving. Furthermore, the study discovered that L2 grit has a greater impact on resilience than problem-solving. The study's conclusions have educational implications for educators, policymakers, and investors.


Main Subjects

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