Error analysis of Iranian learners of the Japanese language in using the postposition "ni" in writing skill

Document Type : research article


department of Japanese language and literature, University of Tehran, Tehran.Iran.



In the present study, based on the "Error Analysis" theory and using a fieldwork method, we evaluated and examined the most frequent errors made by Iranian learners in the use of the preposition "ni" in Japanese writing. First, the data for this research were extracted from the writings of 59 Japanese language students at the University of Tehran. The errors were then analyzed based on their origin in three categories: "interlingual," "intralingual," and "ambiguous," and based on their type in three groups: "deletion," "addition," and "substitution." After analyzing the data, the percentage and frequency of each type of error, according to the mentioned classifications, were calculated. Based on the collected data and the results of the analysis, it was found that among the fourteen identified error groups, five groups of errors produced by Iranian learners had an "interlingual" origin, five groups had an "intralingual" origin, and four groups had an "ambiguous" origin. Furthermore, the main cause of errors, based on the production process, was identified as "substitution." Except for the semantic role of "indicating time and the order of actions," where all three types of errors were observed, in other roles, only "substitution" errors occurred. The findings of this study led us to conclude that "language interference" and "intralingual" errors equally contribute to errors related to the preposition "ni."


Main Subjects

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