Semiotic Analysis of the Student-teachers’ Body language During Classroom Presentation at the Farhangian University

Document Type : research article


Department of Educational and Curriculum Innovations, Institute for Research and Planning in Higher Education,Tehran,Iran.


Possessing good communication skills is one of the main professional criteria for having effective teaching and classroom presentation. This study tries to pave the way for analyzing the body language of the student-teachers of Farhangian University during class presentations and delivering interpretation of the common discourses in their body language. To realize the goal, a qualitative approach has been used with a mixture of collaborative observation and phenomenological methods. The research participants were professors and students of Farhangian University in the 2023-2024 academic year. The research sample was selected through purposeful sampling of the confirming type of cases; therefore, ten professors and eighteen student-teachers were selected given the theoretical saturation. The data gathering tool was participatory observation and semi-structured interview, which after the determination of research objectives, the presentation of the student-teachers came under observation. Structural-interpretive analysis was used to analyze the data and the details of the findings interpreted. The results denoted that student-teachers use body language signs in their classroom presentation for twelve types of discourse, including the discourse of content completion, the discourse of persuasion, the presenter assertiveness or non-assertiveness, emphasis on verbal content, keep calmness, the ability and mastery of the presenter, the presenter trust or lack of trust, the approval and disapproval, control and warning to students, participation of students in the classroom, keeping balance and fairness in interaction with students.


Main Subjects

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