A systematic review of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) of EFL teachers

Document Type : research article


1 Department of Educational Sciences, Farhangian University, PO Box 889-14665, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of English Language Teaching, Farhangian University, Ardabil, Iran.


This research paper presents a systematic review of studies focused on investigating Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) among English as a foreign language teachers. The study employs a synthesis research method to analyze qualitative data and achieve practical objectives. Relevant sources were collected from international databases using appropriate keywords, resulting in a total of 18 selected articles for analysis. To ensure reliability, the quality of the data was assessed using Cohen's kappa coefficient, yielding a value of 0.76. The findings indicate that previous research on TPACK has primarily addressed four main areas: review, evaluation, development, and application. The research has predominantly explored two aspects: assessing teachers' TPACK and innovating methods for measuring its level, as well as investigating differences in TPACK levels among various groups of teachers to enhance and elevate their TPACK proficiency. In conclusion, this study highlights a lack of understanding regarding how English language teachers can effectively utilize the seven elements of TPACK to facilitate student learning through technology-integrated lessons. Additionally, this research aims to provide valuable insights for future researchers to further enrich the development of the TPACK model in this field. Also, this study will sharpen the perspective of future researchers in enriching the model development of this field.


Main Subjects

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