Language species in the novel of Huckleberry Finn in the original text and two translations

Document Type : research article


1 Assistant Professor in Persian Language & Literature at Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor in Linguistics at Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

3 Master in Linguistics from Shahid Beheshti University,Tehran, Iran


Until about half a century ago, preserving the lending in translation meant that the original language was more in Persian. But half a century ago, and especially after the year, when the translation became more prosperous, they measured the value of the translation by adapting it to the original text, calling it style.

The present study aims to qualitatively and quantitatively analyze the style and language varieties used within the original and Persian renderings of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884) by Mark Twain, and observe whether they match. The reason this subject was chosen was the complete disregard of language varieties in the Persian renderings, and the reason this book was chosen, as the author himself has said, was the wide variety of accents, dialects and tones which are used in the narrative. The researcher has worked to identify these language varieties in the original text, and then check their counterparts within the Persian renderings. Then tried to see if they match and if the translation is faithful, and ultimately attempted to establish a connection between the translator’s performance and the book’s reception. First the English text and then the Persian renderings were checked for these stylistic and linguistic patterns. Ultimately, it was concluded that Golestan (1328) has performed better in comparison to Daryabandari (1366), but contrary to that, Daryabandari’s rendering has been better received by the market.

Key words: translation, language varieties, text, characterization, tone


Main Subjects

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