The effect of creativity and autonomy on individual identity in German language teaching - Investigating the role of educational games on students' independent learning behavior

Document Type : research article


1 Assistentprofessor of German Department University of Tehran, Iran

2 PhDStudent German Department Tehran University Tehran, Iran


This study investigates the effect of educational games and their role in the autonomous performance of language learners in the form of educational space. According to different educational, philosophical, sociological and psychological theories about the role of creativity in autonomy in education and individual identification in learning, a new method has been tried to be possible regarding the category of autonomy in learning. In this article, with regard to this theoretical analysis, the mental and current performance of German language students regarding autonomy and individual identity according to its theoretical background is challenged. For this purpose, students are presented with a series of literary texts in German and are asked to produce and play dramatic texts with changes in the text and without changing the content. Changing the type of literary texts and uniqueness of learning to provide a basis for the identity and autonomy of language learners. The question is how this helps them to improve and complete language learning strategies, especially at the metacognitive level, and thus the reflection of their educational behavior is examined. The purpose of this article is to analyze the autonomous performance of language learners in the form of educational space created according to the analyzed theories and to assess the learning progress of language learners.


Main Subjects

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