Microgenetic Analysis in an EFL Context: The Effects of Teacher and Peer Scaffolding on Reading Comprehension Pedagogy

Document Type : research article


1 Department of English Language, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Department of English, Chalous Branch Islamic Azad University Chalous, Iran

3 Department of English, Tabriz Branch Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran



In this study, the researchers examined the possible effects of a sociocultural model of teaching reading comprehension on the learners’ performance using a mixed-method approach. The authors relied on Vygotsky's theory of learning and his notion of the zone of proximal development (ZPD) to analyze scaffolding behaviors among two experimental groups (teacher scaffolding and peer scaffolding) and a control group contributing to reading comprehension using both qualitative and quantitative analyses. The learners were intermediate-level students participating in a 15-session private reading comprehension course. At every session, individual learners received scaffolding helps provided by the teacher in teacher scaffolding and the peer in peer scaffolding groups while performing reading comprehension tasks. Each group of peers included one low and one high intermediate student. In the quantitative phase, the data collected through pretest and posttest were analyzed using ANOVA test. Moreover, the qualitative part, the data including audio recorded talks between the teacher and students (teacher scaffolding), were analyzed through a microgenetic approach. In the qualitative phase, the applicability of the teacher's scaffolding instructions in different levels was presented. The levels and variety of guidance required by the learner to successfully perform a given task were analyzed applying Lidz's (1991) scaffolding instructions. The results in the quantitative phase supported the benefit of the practicality of scaffolding techniques in teaching reading comprehension.


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