A semiotic Analysis of body language in the novel “sleeping in the cherry Field” by Azhar Jerjis

Document Type : research article


1 -PhD Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.

3 Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.


Fiction is full of non-verbal cues, including body language cues. Examining stories from the perspective of non-verbal communication, especially body language, which is a chain of extensive cues and messages are received according to the context of communication, can lead to a new reading of the text. Azhar Gerjis in the novel“sleeping in the cherry Field” has used the signs of body language, including the language of the eyes, hands, head, touch, limbs and physical appearance. This research intends to use descriptive-analytical method based on semiotic approach to analyze the role and position of body language and their function in this novel.

Research findings show Gerjis messages such as; Astonishment, anxiety, anger and rage, forgetfulness, fear, etc. are conveyed to the audience through body language, the unveiling of which plays an important role in discovering the message hidden in the text. Among the non-linguistic behaviors mentioned in the novel, eye language with (32%) has the most role during message transmission and language of physical appearance (facial hair) with (2%) has the least role and body language in this novel is more, alternative and substitute. It has become verbal communication but in some cases it has emphasized more to complete the verbal message or verbal messages. The use of body language in this novel has increased the theatrical capacity of the story.


Main Subjects

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