The study of past values and timetables in the translation of Romain Gary's novel The Birds Will Die in Peru

Document Type : research article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of French Translation Studies, Allameh Tabataba’i University

2 Master of French Translation Studies, Allameh Tabataba’i University


In this research, we tried to give a brief overview of the category of narratology and address the basic and important issue of using past tense in narrative text. According to Jakobson and Nida, interpreting the author's message and choosing the correct equivalent is one of the major problems in translating literary texts, including the translation of narrative texts. The notion of time from the point of view of narratology is very important for a better understanding of history. On the other hand, the use of tenses, especially the past tense, forms the main body of a narrative text; the study of the aspectual system of the verb and tenses made concepts such as order, duration, and the frequency of verbs in history intelligible, and defines the role of the verb from the anachronistic point of view. In this research, we observed that verbal actions in the narrative text have a significant effect on the translation of the meaning of the story and the rhythm of the narrative. To this end, in the translation of Romain Gary's novel, we focused on the study of the translation of the text at the level of the past in terms of the source text, in order to illustrate the function of times in the past in the reconstruction of narrative texts in Persian. This study has shown that the function of verbs and the notion of time in translation have brought the translator closer to the original text.


Main Subjects

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