The reception of the words approved by the Academy in the society and some proposals to make Persian a scientific language

Document Type : research article


English Department,, Faculty of letters and humanities, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran


In order to make Persian a dynamic and scientific language, the Academy of Persian Language and Literature has started translating the scientific terms of various fields of knowledge into Persian. However, the large volume of foreign scientific terms in Persian and the unfavorable reception of some newly coined words by some parts of Iranian society have exposed the scientific nature of this language to many doubts. To find out the reasons for the resistance of the society against the words approved by the Academy, the present article examines the interviews of ten professors of Persian language and literature with ISNA News Agency and the interviews of the President of the Academy and the Deputy of word selection section with Tasnim and Young Journalists Club. From the analysis of these conversations using Thematic analysis of Braun and Clarke (2006), it is concluded that "political reasons", "people's attention to Persian language", and "weakness of the academy in word selection" are the main reasons for this resistance. Then, with a historical, analytical, and comparative approach, while examining the underlying factors that stimulated the growth of European scientific languages, the researcher compared these factors with the intellectual order of Iranian society during the Islamic civilization and the contemporary era and concluded that the scientificization of Persian language cannot be realized by only translating foreign terms into Persian. Rather, it depends on the realization of conditions such as the expansion of science production discourse in the country and the development of the scientific spirit.


Main Subjects

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