Linguistic sexism in Spanish language electronic newspaper

Document Type : research article


Department of Other Languages (Spanish), Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran,


The discrimination against women in language is one of the most discussed topics in societies and academic centers in Spanish speaking countries. The reason for this debate is the development of the Spanish culture and language. With the increasing social role of women in Spanish speaking countries, changes have taken place in the development of this language that require further reflection. Women's rights activists believe that women have been ignored in Spanish. The goal of this study is to investigate sexism in Spanish language and its possible causes. For this, we will study how the grammatical gender of the names of women's jobs is used in the electronic newspapers in Spanish as a statistical population. In some job nous, the use of the masculine nouns is preferred to refer to the feminine gender. The present study examines the causes of this cultural phenomenon that has caused women to be ignored in the current language. In order to do this, an investigation has been carried out through experimental methodology, and based on data from electronic newspapers from three Spanish speaking countries in Argentina, Mexico and Spain, examines the subject of gender discrimination in grammar and the newspapers. The results of this study allow us to know the reality of the contradictory use of the masculine noun to refer to the name of feminine jobs in these three countries, also, it will familiarize Spanish students and translators with the importance of grammatical gender in the today's Spanish language.


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