Studding matching of language terms, dialect and accent in Persian and Russian languages with each other and examples of the proximity of Russian language to Persian dialects and accents

Document Type : research article


1 The Tehran university russian language PHD student

2 Director of the Russian Language Department / university of Tehran

3 Head of the Faculty of Foreign Languages / university of Tehran


Dialects and accents exists in many languages and in addition to diversifying any kind of languages, they contain many concepts and even proximity to other languages. The main issue of this study is to find an appropriate match between several common linguistic terms in the area of dialects and accents between both Russian and Persian languages, based on the linguistic theories. To this end, it is attempted to characterize several dialects and accents between the two languages and, if is possible, to classify them and to compare them. The main purpose of the research, considering the necessity of understanding the concepts proposed in the form of terms for finding equivalents in the other language, Is to reveal these concepts in the form of each of the terms proposed by prominent linguists in each of these two languages in order to find the appropriate equivalence and then to establish a research plan in the field of dialectology. The method of research in section I was to check in detail the concepts of terms in the opinions of prominent linguists along with analyzing them, and systematic matching in another language and in section II, It was attempted to present features of dialects and accents. In the concluding section, after presenting appropriate definitions and equations, it will be clarified the importance of checking dialects and accents for closer understanding proximity of both of these languages, particularly in the fields like language teaching.


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