The Impact of RSI in L2 on Iranian EFL Learners’ Reading Performance and Attitude toward Reading in L2

Document Type : research article


1 Head of dept., Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr Branch

2 Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr


This study investigates the effect of reading strategies instruction (RSI) in L2, on reading comprehension and attitude toward reading in L2. To this purpose, 48 students of pre-intermediate proficiency level at the University of Mazandaran constituted the control and experimental groups. Then, a reading comprehension test and questionnaire of attitude toward reading in L2 were distributed as pretest. After giving the experimental group the reading strategy instruction the posttests were administered to all participants in the two groups. To analyze the data, test of ANCOVA was run. Analysis of data showed the experimental group outperformed the control group in attitude toward reading. The findings show that RSI in L2, affects both reading comprehension and attitude toward reading in L2. It is recommended that teachers in reading courses consider the importance of reading strategies, and the contribution that more positive attitude has on the outcomes of reading in L2.
Keywords: Reading comprehension, Reading Strategies, Attitude, L2


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