A study of the grammar structure sentences which are used to express a request (Among 20 to 35-year-old of youth in Havana city)

Document Type : research article




The main objective of this research is to find sentences which can facilitate an act of petition in a manner can receive the most possible positive response.

Since language recognized as a social product and it is made of a variety of essential protocols which are accepted by the individuals of every society, the second objective chosen for the research is proficiency on these protocols in different Spanish speaking communities and we take it into consideration for finding more accessible sources for Spanish language learners as a second language.

For doing the research, first I designed a questionnaire and then distributed the copies among a sample consisting 14 young people who were living in Havana, the capital of Cuba

To reach a more realistic result we selected sample people from different social classes and educational levels, both male and female. After collecting the filled out questionnaire, we analyzed the sentences from the grammatical point of view.


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