Semiotic Study of Sepehri's Mosafer (Passenger) (Based on the Structural Semiotics; Riffaterre and Jakobson's Model)

Document Type : research article


Structural semiotics is interested in finding signs in a text and structuralists look for meanings in the relations among text components. Relying on creative reading, they try to find signs to achieve the correct context.
Structuralism is compatible with the "reception" theory. Before introduction of structuralism, texts were influenced by authors. However, upon the introduction of the "Death of the Author" theory by Roland Barthes, the reader as well as creative and heuristic reading of texts obtained prominence.
After Barthes, several theorists turned to reading contexts through different perspectives Riffaterre, argues that the concept and meaning of a context is the result of the findings and expectations of the reader Jakobson, refers to the speaker, the audience, the theme, the message, the communication channel and the code as the constituent factors of a message which also includes text. He describes these factors as determinants and processors of the six aspects of a language (i.e. conative, phatic, referential, meta-lingual, expressive and poetic aspects).
In study, an attempt is made to show that analyzing Mosafer poem through Riffaterre and Jakobson's structural model would lead to a creative reading of poem.
The first part of paper introduces the theoretical approach of Riffaterre and subsequently commences the reading of Mosafer. The second part starts with an introduction to Jakobson's communication model and determines the text's message based on this model.
The result of this study indicates that although both models lead to similar perceptions and findings, Riffaterre's model seems more effective and more expansible.


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