The importance and necessity of processing "Intercultural Communicative Competence" in the textbooks by the Ministry of Education

Document Type : research article



Intercultural communication is to be noted as a competence, with these competences can educate a learner not only the foreign language but also the culture of the alien society power.Of course, the basic conditions for the acquisition of these skills are, acquisition of the four language skills in general and taking note of grammatical and discursive competence in individuals.The role of textbooks can not be denied for the realization of this potential.The Presentation the cultural themes in a textbook should be the acquisition of such competence.This article analyzes the theories of intercultural communication competence in terms of both the opportunities and signs of the acquisition of these competences and focussed on the role of textbooks to it.Therefore, this study examines the text books of German pre-university education with special attention to intercultural competence theories as well as study on the theories which check the text books,and in this regard, not only non-recognition of intercultural Communication competence will be determined in this textbook, but also the orientation to German culture specifies.


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