Transferring of the German social dialects to Persian in the translation of “Fereshte Abi” by Heinrich Mann

Document Type : research article


1 M.S. Student of German Language and Literature, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Tehran University, Tehran, I.R. Iran

2 Professor of German Language and Literature, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Tehran University, Tehran, I.R. Iran


Translation includes delicate points that if being ignored, it will damage the text and its meaning. One of these main points is the social dialect which should be considered in translation, just like geographical dialects. The social dialects that sometimes create the main body of a story introduce characters and contain important information concerning the speakers. The following article is concerned with the importance and function of social dialects in the literary works regarding to the translation of Heinrich Mann’s social novel “Fereshte Abi [original title: Professor Unrat oder das Ende eines Tyrannen]”. Mahmoud Haddadi translated this book from German and it was published in 2004 by Avishan Publication Company. The present article aims to analyze the techniques used by the translator to convey the social dialect of the three main characters, as well as investigating which elements should be considered when translating the social dialects.
Keywords: social dialects, speakers, story, text, translation, translator.
Translation includes delicate points that if being ignored, it will damage the text and its meaning. One of these main points is the social dialect which should be considered in translation, just like geographical dialects. The social dialects that sometimes create the main body of a story introduce characters and contain important information concerning the speakers. The following article is concerned with the importance and function of social dialects in the literary works regarding to the translation of Heinrich Mann’s social novel “Fereshte Abi [original title: Professor Unrat oder das Ende eines Tyrannen]”. Mahmoud Haddadi translated this book from German and it was published in 2004 by Avishan Publication Company. The present article aims to analyze the techniques used by the translator to convey the social dialect of the three main characters, as well as investigating which elements should be considered when translating the social dialects.


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