An Investigation and Pathology of Foreign Language Methodology From the Teachers’ Viewpoints

Document Type : research article



There have been many theories and paradigms trying to provide
answers to the challenge of the best method. After the rise of many
colorful language teaching methods, in postmethod era, it was
postulated that there is no magic formula to teach a foreign language
but that a localized methodology based on learners and teachers’ experience
will have suitable results. In this article, after investigating teachers’
pedagogical knowledge according to Gatbonton model (1999), we have studied the
pathology of teaching methodology based on the teachers’ viewpoints. To figure
out teachers’ pedagogical knowledge, the present researchers observed thirty
five EFL teachers. After the pathology of teaching, teachers reportedthat to
assess the quality of effective teaching, such criteria as learner management,
teaching quality, educational output, expertise, personality and educational
policies should be taken into consideration. The observation of EFL classes
revealed that there are some differences in novice and experienced teachers’
pedagogical knowledge.
