Phonetic Criticizm of the Translation of One of Hafez’s Ghazals in Russian

Document Type : research article



In the greatest poetry of the world,
value is equally distributed between form and content. Among all kinds of
formal specifications of a poem, phonetic specifications are of a great
significance and with respect to poem-level transcendence, they have a great
role to play.In translating a poem, the translator must equally pay attention
to the transferance of both form and content. A poem's special features and
structures makes it distinguishable from prose. So in the process of poem
translation paying attention to these complexities is a necessity. In this
article, we tried to review the translation of one of Hafez’s lyrics into
Russian with regard to formal specifications and particular phonetic aspects of
the poem. First we considered the specifications of this lyric and then we
analysised the translated version of it. We will see how the ignorance of
phonetic aspects of the poem in translation could interrupt the process of the
writer’s message transferance.
