A Systematic Review of the Effects of Generative Artificial Intelligence Models (ChatGPT& Gemini) on English Language Teaching (ELT): Opportunities & Challenges

Document Type : research article


1 Department of English Language Teaching, Farhangian University,, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of English Language Teaching, Farhangian University, Ardabil, Iran.



Artificial intelligence has affected the field of education in many ways. The current research aimed to investigate the effects of generative artificial intelligence models (ChatGPT and Gemini) on English language teaching (ELT), and systematically reviewed 41 articles published in scientific journals that were published in 2023 and 2024 and the opportunities that these chatbots bring to teachers and language learners along with their challenges and limitations have been examined. By following the strict entry and selection criteria of articles and research standards, including inter-rater reliability (Cohen's Kappa coefficient = 0.81), articles were collected and analyzed from reliable international scientific research databases. The research findings showed that previous studies focused on four main themes: a) Effects and benefits of using generative artificial intelligence models in ELT, b) Challenges and limitations of using artificial intelligence models in ELT, c) The role of artificial intelligence models in evaluating and improving education in the field of ELT, and d) The necessity of training and support for the effective use of generative artificial intelligence models in ELT. Also, the results showed the benefits of using chatbots in teaching English and the challenges and limitations of using them. This systematic review can provide a clear perspective and practical recommendations on the integration of artificial intelligence in English language education and help policy makers and educational planners to make more informed decisions about the effects of generative artificial intelligence models in education. Meanwhile, this research can help design new teaching tools and methods that are specifically optimized for the needs of English language learners.


Main Subjects

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