The Study of EFL Learners’ Willingness to Read in an EFL Context: A Grounded Theory Approach

Document Type : research article


Department of English, Ahar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahar, Iran


Language-specific sentiment is often considered to be part of a universal structure of willingness to communicate (WTC) that can also be known as willingness to read (WTR). In fact, the theoretical basis used in the WTC theory has been applied to WTR without any empirical justification. In this study, we introduce WTR as a stand-alone construct and conceptualize it. Given the importance of reading in the Iranian EFL context, we feel it is necessary to explore the concept so that we can provide a better understanding of it. To this end, drawing on a grounded theory study, we conducted 25 interviews and used MAXQDA 2022 for the qualitative content analysis, which included the three stages of open, axial, and selective coding. The analysis resulted in a core category—willingness to read in EFL—a multidimensional construct that is distinguished by a five-dimension taxonomy: Contextual factors( bottom-up drives), Strategies( top-down drives), intervening condition, causal condition (classroom-related drives), and wanting to read. The model’s reliability was estimated through the Kappa index, showing a significance value of ˂1.96. Overall, we conclude that WTR in EFL can be considered among other more established language-related emotions associated with EFL reading. The present study concludes that among the factors predicting WTR as a construct, bottom-up drives, classroom-related drives, step-down forces, top-down drives, and wanting to read shape WTR among EFL learners.


Main Subjects

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